Our project is coming along

So last week we touched base with everyone and i have to say we are in better shape than i thought we were in. This past weekend Terece and I went out and took some photos of the places we all researched, the ones we could find. We had fun and got most of the locations pictured so i considered the mission a complete success. When thinking of the feedback i feel as though we need to determine where the event is going to take place, i think we should see if we can find one central place for the event to be held. I feel as though the lions bros building might be a little bit too small if we think the turn out for this event will be pretty considerable. I also feel as though we need to decide if we are going to make a photo slide show or video with some candids if that would be possible and to also see if we can do some candid interviews with residents of the area in an informal setting. If we can create a video that can attract not only the Hollins residents but also other Maryland residents to see if we can attract others to attend. I hope that in the next few weeks we can start on that so myself and Liz and Terece can figure out the general plot structure of the video and what tone we should set with it.


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